Author Archives: phoenix

Substance-Induced Mood Disorder

Substance abuse affects all areas of your life. In addition to impacting your life, if you are dependent on drugs or alcohol, you might also have a co-occurring mental health condition that existed before your...

Living Sober While in Recovery

Staying sober is the ultimate goal for many people. However, knowing how to sober up and stay sober isn’t always intuitive. This is why going to the right addiction treatment center is so necessary. Discover...

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

The overabundance of easily available prescription drugs is a major problem, especially around recreational drug users and people susceptible to addiction. How many times do we open our drawers or medicine cabinets and rummage past...

Physical Signs of Alcoholism

Most of us are aware of the term "closet drinker." The question is, "how can someone have a significant drinking addiction without people noticing?" Sometimes, people do notice, but decide to do nothing. Experts refer...

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Over the past few years, the addiction treatment community has adopted a more evidence based approach to treatment. One of the primary modalities addiction treatment professionals prefer is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Over time, this...

Is Alcoholism a Mental Illness?

Alcoholism is the final stage of an alcohol use disorder. It comes with many psychological and physical problems. With that in mind, some wonder, is alcoholism a mental illness? Most importantly, is there still hope...

How to Deal with Alcohol Withdrawal

Drinking heavily for a long time creates changes in your body’s chemistry. These changes can lead to uncomfortable reactions when you don’t supply enough of the chemical at all times. Your body’s reactions to this...

Drug Rehab Centers California

Have you begun the search for the best drug rehab centers in California? If so, don't settle for treatment that is too rigid to adhere to your specific recovery needs. Doing so could prevent you...

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