Author Archives: phoenix

Should I go to Rehab Quiz

Are you struggling with addiction or substance abuse? If so, you may be wondering whether rehab is the right solution for you. The road to recovery can be difficult and overwhelming, but it can also...

How to Get Someone to go to Rehab Guide

A friend has clearly lost the ability to control how much or how often they drink. A family member can’t get through the day without abusing a prescription medication. Watching someone you care struggle with...

What is Alcohol Induced Psychosis?

Thanks to decades of public awareness campaigns, most people realize that alcohol abuse can lead to negative outcomes such as organ damage, automobile accidents, and addiction. But the mental health impact of chronic alcohol abuse...

What are the Top 10 Most Addictive Drugs?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are more than 14,000 different types of drugs available in the world. This includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, illicit drugs, traditional drugs, and herbal remedies. But what...

Drug Types: Stimulant or Depressant?

How can you tell if a drug is a stimulant or depressant? Is one type of drug safer than the other? What happens if you mix a stimulant with a depressant? Understanding the important differences...

I Think I’m an Addict: What Should I Do?

“I think I’m an addict.” If these words have ever crossed your mind, then you clearly suspect that you might have a problem with alcohol or another drug. This post can help you decide if...

The Meaning of Chest Pain After Drinking Alcohol

Chest pains can occur for many reasons, and they should never be ignored. Overexertion, injuries, and viruses are three of the many potential causes of this form of discomfort. Some people also experience chest pain...

Are Yellow Eyes from Drinking Alcohol?

Chronic alcohol abuse can have a dramatic impact on a person’s appearance. Possible consequences include significant weight gain, bloating, dull grey skin, bloodshot eyes, dry and thin hair, and reddening around the nose and cheeks....

Why Do Some People Become Addicted to Drugs While Others Don’t?

Some people consume moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis, but never lose their ability to control how often or how much they drink. Others are unable to have “just a few drinks” without...

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