Category Archives: Drugs

Can Baking Soda Really Help You Pass a Drug Test?

Some sources claim that you can use baking soda to hide evidence of substance use from a drug screen. This baking soda drug test theory can’t actually work, can it? The "Baking Soda to Beat...

Drinking Alcohol With Antibiotics: What to Know

Often, when you receive a prescription from your doctor, they advise you to abstain from alcohol while you’re taking the medication. This doesn’t apply to all meds, though, which leads us to today’s question: Can...

Understanding the Iso Drug Trend

The iso drug is a somewhat obscure substance that is threatening to become a widespread public health crisis in the U.S. The more you know about this drug, the better prepared you will be to...

Understanding Chemical Dependency

Chemical dependency and addiction are often used interchangeably. However, even though these terms share many similarities, there are also some important distinctions between them. What Does Chemical Dependency Mean? Chemical dependency refers to the physical...

Sores from Drugs: Causes & Dangers

Overdose. Brain damage. Liver failure. Discussions of the dangers of drug abuse often focus on debilitating or potentially fatal effects like these. While it is obviously important to be aware of the grievous harm that...

Understanding the Effects of Prozac

When Prozac was introduced in the U.S. in the late 1980s, it marked a watershed moment in depression treatment. Today, more than three decades later, researchers have a wealth of data on the effects of...

Drug Types: Stimulant or Depressant?

How can you tell if a drug is a stimulant or depressant? Is one type of drug safer than the other? What happens if you mix a stimulant with a depressant? Understanding the important differences...

Why Do Some People Become Addicted to Drugs While Others Don’t?

Some people consume moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis, but never lose their ability to control how often or how much they drink. Others are unable to have “just a few drinks” without...

Where Are Kids Hiding Drugs? It May Be in Plain Sight

When a person becomes addicted to alcohol or another drug, they will be compelled to use the substance frequently. This means they will have a powerful urge to be near the substance, even in places...