Yearly Archives: 2022

How to Stop Enabling A Loved One’s Alcoholism

It can be difficult to offer support to a loved one with alcohol use disorder (AUD) without enabling their addiction. You may believe you are helping when in fact, you are enabling. How can you...

What is the Difference Between IOP and PHP?

Two types of addiction treatment programs you will encounter when you are exploring your addiction treatment options. While IOP and PHP programs may seem similar, there are some key differences you need to understand to...

How To Help An Alcoholic Who Doesn’t Want Help

It is difficult for friends and family to sit idly by as they watch a loved one struggle with alcohol addiction. However, when that individual does not believe they have an alcohol addiction or does...

What Is A Typical Day Like In A Sober Living Home?

Whether you are getting ready to start an alcohol or drug rehab program or nearing the end of it and planning your aftercare, you may be wondering whether sober living homes should be a part...

What Are The Signs of Benzo Withdrawal?

Benzodiazepines, more commonly referred to as benzos, treat a wide variety of conditions. Anxiety, panic disorders, depression, muscle spasms, and insomnia respond well to benzo treatment. Unfortunately, benzos also hold a high potential for addiction....